Original Post

6-11-2024 22:31

Thanks a lot OP for the information. I want to complete a few things:
1. You can have a direct research by areas in Tokyo, with the same principle, for instance #p活新宿
2. Thanks to the twitter algorithm, after adding a few profiles, you start being proposed other profiles, some without tags.
3. A lot of misses (my first meeting required about 10~15 enquiries, 5 were responsive, and asked for a type of foreigner/history, one accepted).
4. Profiles have a very short life expectancy! If your meeting is going well, ask for their LINE id, or another way to contact.
5. Ask if you can write a short comment on twitter: some woman request some records, especially with foreigner.

I want to reinforce "You definitely want to confirm their age". One of the profile I contacted was "19", and very open during the DM. When I asked for age confirmation before going to the hotel, she started to propose me a lower price... I stopped directly.

I won't say they are "amateur", two to three meetings a day 3 days per week... They are playing a role.

And WiR: no, even if it was a fun experience

animefromthebay 8-11-2024 13:26 Acceptance +3 What do you mean by they asked for foreigner/history?
Scagnetti 9-11-2024 12:41 Acceptance +1

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