Original Post

9-10-2024 00:59
Arranging a meet in Korea (translation/culture help)

I am arranging a meeting with a lady in Seoul but I am not sure what this means can someone help?

I can use Google translate but I am not quite sure I understand.

안녕하세요 골든 17년산 , 장소비포함 50이에여 장소는 청담 한강뷰 하이엔드 아파트 구요 2시간 술대화 입니다.

translated as: "Hello Golden 17 years old, 50 including the location. The location is a high-end apartment with a view of the Han River in Cheongdam. It's a 2-hour drinking conversation."

I understand in Korean culture it is more normal to pay to drink with women, but is that all she is offering? And is the price quoted *just* for a conversation, or is this code for more (just like with Delivery Health in Japan). Can anyone help?

And for the record she is categorically not 17, she is early 30's I would say (I follow her on Twitter).

qblast1 9-10-2024 07:56 Acceptance +1 In Korea they typically count currency in multiples of 10,000 so that 50 may very well mean 500,000 won (50만원). It's ...

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