Original Post

5-9-2024 09:01
[Tokyo] [Japan] Kathryn


Ok so I have very high doubts that this Kathryn person is claiming to be who she say she is. The pictures that she is posting up are of a Russian model who goes by Killer_Katrin. You guys can google her to see who that is. Her pictures and videos are not hard to obtain. Whoever this Kathryn person is is using her pictures to scam people for their deposit money.

I messaged Kathryn and she’s very pushy on trying you to book an appointment with her by paying a small deposit first. Which is a red flag right there. I told her that I won’t be in Japan until December and she said it’s ok to book now so that I can reserve a spot and she’ll just squeeze me in over the next person in line. She also claims that her hourly rate is 25k yen with no shot limit. All this seems too good to be true for someone of her caliber.

Anyway I can’t say 100% that it’s not her, but 99% sure it’s a scam. If someone in Japan has the time and money to find out she’s a scam or not, I would truly appreciate it. Because I’ll be in Tokyo in December and if she’s legit then my dreams would come true.

Tkthedk 5-9-2024 12:40 Acceptance +3 Lots of western scams are making their way to Japan. Just stick to reviewed agencies
alex_french 5-9-2024 13:21 Acceptance +3 Be careful about girls asking for a deposit
FrancoisLegrand 6-9-2024 03:10 Karma +2 141 advertisers may have some scammer issues; another dude posted similar.

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