Original Post

31-5-2020 14:59
Safe and economical

As you mentioned, safety is first and foremost.  A cheap punt is worthless if you end up in the hospital or with horrible health issues, or get beat up!  Or lose a kidney, LOL!  

I personally value quality/looks/sexual desire more than cost, so I am not always looking for the cheapest punt.  Nevertheless, there are some great spots worldwide for very economical punts with hot-looking ladies.

1)  Medellin / Bogota, Colombia.  I have never been there, but my colleague who is the epitome of a cheap-ass punter LOVES it there.
2)  Costa Rica. LOTS of women, lots of punting opportunities; intel also from my colleague.
3)  Pattaya / Bangkok:   Well known for punting, price is very reasonable.
4)  Montreal, Canada:  French-Canadian women are some of the best looking in the world, punting heaven in my opinion.
5)  Kiev, Ukraine:  Another suggestion from my colleague, I've never been.
6)  Angeles City, Philippines. Never been, but I read about this city all the time.  On my to-do list.
7)  Asuncion, Paraguay:  Secret punting heaven, women are beautiful, and the Paraguay economy is not good, so monetary conversion rate works in  your favor.

Passthewasabi 31-5-2020 15:34 Acceptance +1 These reccommendations are great. Places like medillan or Kiev, I've never even heard of. More research I guess. More y ...
porkchops 31-5-2020 22:04 Acceptance +10 Won't be going to South America in the near future...
anabikumi 1-6-2020 15:02 Acceptance +2 Excellent

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