Original Post

23-9-2018 19:17

Originally posted by playaccount141 at 9/22/18 11:37 PM
But you missed my real question   - how much to setup an exclusive MILF/mistress/friends with benefits type relationship?  

I didn't miss this. This idea just isn't realistic. Unless you can offer the girl A LOT of money, then what reason would she have to be exclusive to you at your beck and call? Girls like to have their freedom. No girl is going to want to be forced to drop whatever their plans are to rush over to your place because you're horny.

A freelancer in Bangkok I frequent, she makes over $200k USD a year. Just as a freelancer. She owns two condos and financially supports her parents and family. She has several wealthy sponsors across Asia. While still having the freedom to be on her own schedule.

What can you offer someone that she couldn't get elsewhere? What's the benefit for the girl in being exclusive to you?

Now if you met a girl and developed a long term relationship then that would be different. But it doesn't sound like you want that. Hence you should just budget for regular paid sessions.

I also didn't include previously that you have to budget for expected inflation. Thailand has no plans on being cheap for long.

playaccount141 23-9-2018 20:17 Acceptance +2 Thanks. I wasn't really thinking about converting a WG (but prob same challenge)
jeffzeke 24-9-2018 12:25 Acceptance +20 the "exclusivity" is a hard ask. You are kinda looking for a disposable GF, LOL!

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