Original Post

22-9-2018 14:34

Bro, planning it out is a good idea.  I think some factors depends on the demographic of the girl you are looking for.  If it's a MILFy type maybe in her 30's or 40's, low-paying job, and you can supplement her income for a better living, she might be agreeable.  If you are looking for sexy 20-25 year old, college student, smart, hot and attractive girl, I doubt they would agree to your type of offer.  They would not be interested in "exclusivity" unless you shell out some big $$.  And even then, they probably want to fuck around on the side... how would you know?  You probably won't hire any detectives to follow them.

A more mature woman would be better anyway, they are more stable and willing to care for a dude in this fashion.  One risk if there is great chemistry is they might fall in love with you, which is a different problem all together.  

playaccount141 22-9-2018 15:20 Acceptance +2 You're right. MILF is the way to go.
adrenal 23-9-2018 00:22 Acceptance +6 how old will you be when you retire?

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