Original Post

21-9-2018 12:21

Originally posted by Ladiesman88 at 20-9-2018 19:50
Hey playaccount141!

I am already planning retirement like you and it is easy. With 40k USD you will live very comfortably in Bangkok as having a middle class lifestyle in Bangkok honestly only costs  ...


Sorry, got cut off mid sentence when giving you acceptance above.

Good to know my budget is pretty good.  Let us all know how it works out for you,

Ideally, want a woman in an exclusive relationship with me so I don't have to worry about being covered all the time.  So although I can probably get sex all the time in Bangkok, I'm looking more like exclusive "mistress" while I bonk some others covered.  I get that mistress may be high maintenance but think I would be okay with that in exchange for a more consistent relationship vs WG all the time.  If it gets too much, I can always cut and run and compensate her.  I'll be upfront with her that marriage, kids and green card won't be in the picture, its only going to be money for sex.

I know that's not "fair" and won't be an "equal" relationship but that would be ideal for me and, in exchange, I would be providing financially for her and family as part of the deal.  So WG-turned-mistress probably won't work (prob makes more than I can pay her), it'll have to be a regular woman that works and isn't that happy with where she is in life.

Yeah, I'm an asshole thinking like this.

[ Last edited by  playaccount141 at 21-9-2018 12:22 ]

jeffzeke 22-9-2018 14:28 Acceptance +10 all good bro, you get to decide what is good for yourself, no judgement here.

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