Original Post

18-9-2018 11:53

Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  (I know, I know, I should be the one to learn).

I've been to China, Thailand, Indonesia (only as a kid), Cambodia, China, Philippines but never to Vietnam.  Been to Malaysia also and (too expensive) Singapore and HK.  Not interested in Europe because I know I'll be more comfortable in asia (and the food is much better too).

House, rental costs will be a factor.  I think most of these country do not allow you to buy outright but lease for X years.

Petay_1283 - can you ask your friend, is the relationship exclusive and how he did it e.g. thaifriendly?  I can handle 5K HKD a month but if its not exclusive ... hoping to do away with condoms   Ask him to join this forum ... I have to believe there are other bros here that would want to do something like this

Explorer1 - I am researching Bali which I believe is in the Ring of Fire unfortunately.

UncleDad - I don't need to stay in a big city but don't want to be remote remote from civilization either.  Definitely prefer where many can speak some English

Batman 108 - Don't speak Mandarin but China is probably low on my list to retire to.  Main reason is I only see more tension between China and US in the future and/or an economic crash like Japan's two (?) decades of misery.

[ Last edited by  playaccount141 at 18-9-2018 11:56 ]

jeffzeke 22-9-2018 14:22 Acceptance +10 thanks for sharing, I will add my 2 cents worth below.

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