Original Post

18-9-2018 07:42
Reply #2 UncleDad's post

I would have to disagree on China, maybe just because I have worked here for so long. It is no longer cheap unless you're willing to live out of the cities then what is the point if you're going to do that.

For me, I would say Thailand or Vietnam. You can buy a nice house in or around Pattaya area for about $100K US or rent a long term apartment for a decent amount. It would not break the bank. You could get one or two regular GF and pay them a monthly allowance.

An old friend of mine did this. He rented a serviced apartment 6 months a year out in Pattaya, some sort of time share deal. He had one regular gf he paid her about 5K HKD a month, even when he was not in Pattaya and he would travel there every other month and she would live with him. If they get too clingy or serious move on the next one.

playaccount141 18-9-2018 11:54 Acceptance +2 Thanks for your comments
jeffzeke 22-9-2018 14:20 Acceptance +10 might run into the risk of clingy GFs
obe 27-9-2018 11:27 Acceptance +10 Yep definitely not China. I would say Thailand, Cambodia or Laos.

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