Original Post

16-9-2018 13:53
Retirement - countries & how to get regular sex

A little about me before I ask the question.

I'm divorced, Asian American male, and have another 6-8 years before kids are done with college.  After that, I'm thinking that I want to retire, get snipped, and relocate to a cheaper SEA country.  I'm not filthy rich but have a nice savings and can probably spend $30-$40K per year comfortably in the new country.  I honestly am not looking to get re-married.

I did do a search on "marriage" and "mistress" but didn't see a similar thread (sorry if this has been asked before).

Here's my question.

Want to get thoughts from bros on what they think is the best country (or countries) to retire to and real options to get a mistress/fuck buddy.  I think this will be easy enough if I'm willing to re-marry but that's not something I want to do.

Anyone with experience with live-in maids that provide sex as part of the monthly salary, or seeing multiple woman on a regular basis without commitment (hear alot about Singapore but that's an expensive country to live in)?  Really not looking for love, just a woman that is willing to trade sex (preferably exclusive) for some financial security.

batman108 17-9-2018 23:07 Acceptance +2 good luck on retirement...what Asian language you speak? if you speak mandarin, maybe china is the place.
Explorer1 18-9-2018 08:31 Acceptance +2
jeffzeke 22-9-2018 14:18 Acceptance +10 interesting question, I didn't read this until after I answered your other thread in the mongering section.
obe 27-9-2018 11:18 Acceptance +10

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