Original Post

23-7-2018 10:57
Has mongering influenced your overall love life?

High class escorts, Mongkok walk ups, spas and soaplands I have spent more on mongering than dating

Honestly I can say many times getting laid through dating in monetary sums can be cheaper, but there's the risk of pregnancy, infidelity, rape allegations and worst of all having to deal with her relatives

After many years I always do compare the value of a working girl with a date. Many benefits can be had from both and each has their own unique disadvantages.

Overall I would say I have stayed away from many toxic relationships simply because I know I can at any hour bang a 10/10 girl with GFE.

Furthermore studies find that working girls may actually be healthier than girls you might date of pick up!

What are your thoughts fellas?

[ Last edited by  Ladiesman88 at 23-7-2018 11:01 ]

batman108 24-7-2018 02:43 Acceptance +2 Awesome and thanks
Nycpunter 30-9-2018 12:16 Acceptance +1

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