Subject: Has mongering influenced your overall love life?
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Post at 23-7-2018 10:57  Profile P.M. 
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Has mongering influenced your overall love life?

High class escorts, Mongkok walk ups, spas and soaplands I have spent more on mongering than dating

Honestly I can say many times getting laid through dating in monetary sums can be cheaper, but there's the risk of pregnancy, infidelity, rape allegations and worst of all having to deal with her relatives

After many years I always do compare the value of a working girl with a date. Many benefits can be had from both and each has their own unique disadvantages.

Overall I would say I have stayed away from many toxic relationships simply because I know I can at any hour bang a 10/10 girl with GFE.

Furthermore studies find that working girls may actually be healthier than girls you might date of pick up!

What are your thoughts fellas?

[ Last edited by  Ladiesman88 at 23-7-2018 11:01 ]

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Nycpunter   30-9-2018 12:16  Acceptance  +1   
batman108   24-7-2018 02:43  Acceptance  +2   Awesome and thanks
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Post at 23-7-2018 11:56  Profile Blog P.M. 
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It all depends on what you’re looking for really. If all you’re looking for is new p*ssy, then yes, you’re absolutely right.  But if you’re looking for any sort of meaningful relationship, then that’s somethin else all together. It’s a bit old, but Chris Rock’s bit about new p*ssy is awesome. “You expect new p*ssy to cook? New p*ssy can’t cook.” Lol.

For me... in my younger years, it was never about the p*ssy. It wasn’t about the thrill of the hunt. And not just landing some new p*ssy, because that game wasn’t that big of a challenge. A win for me was to get them to fall for me. I ended up being a bit of a serial monogamist. Lol


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theworm   23-7-2018 13:18  Acceptance  +5   agree
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Post at 27-7-2018 12:18  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #1 Ladiesman88's post

After 2nd divorce, in a moment of supreme cynicism, I calculated how much they had cost me (clothes, jewellery, cars, trips, settlements etc) over the 20 year span and figured out how much per year that was and then set a budget for dating, SA and punting.......

Won't share the number but it's quite hard to hit it lol

On cost of dating younger civvies (HK princess types) versus SA vs punting in HK, this is my experience:

Dating - 1st date, drinks and snacks HK800-1k - chance of anything 0%
             2nd date, meal and drinks HK1-1.5k - chance of BBBJ 50%, chance of fuck 25%, chance of overnight 0%
             3rd date, event, meal and drinks HK1.5-3k - chance of BBBJ 100%, chance of fuck 75%, chance of overnight 25%
so lowest investment to hit 75% for a fuck is HK3.3k up to HK5.5 which is full GFE

SA  - intro coffee or drink HK500 max (which is my process not everyones)
     - 1st shag - HK1.5-2 for BBBJ and couple of pops in a few hours which is more intimate that a full WG
     - 1st overnight - drinks HK500- HK3-4k for BBBJ overnight sex and good morning session which is pretty close to a GFE
so lowest investment for 100% fuck which is more intimate than a full WG is HK2k

WG - well you all know the rate span and GFE chance

So, has it changed my overall lovelife - no as I've always been a perv but I go through phases between the 3 depending in what I am after at that moment between cost and GFE :-)

On a pure cost basis, I reckon SA is better as a $/GFE ratio

On a GF/$ ratio then WG is better.............

Just my experience, senior Bros can PM me on average cost per yeat but it did scare me when I worked it out.........

Overall GFE/SA wins it for me if you put the effort in but you have to weigh it up I suppose

Jeff is king on this and shame the oldies made Jake feel he needed to leave because he was a master as well........

[ Last edited by  aurufc at 27-7-2018 19:00 ]

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blast77   29-7-2018 14:35  Acceptance  +8   Excellent
adrenal   28-7-2018 17:55  Acceptance  +6   MOAR MOAR
UncleDad   27-7-2018 22:42  Acceptance  +10   Breaking love down to brass tax. Not cynical at all... Lol
obe   27-7-2018 16:10  Acceptance  +10   Outstanding post aurufc
rajuk   27-7-2018 16:06  Acceptance  +3   Total agreement.
Mister   27-7-2018 14:15  Acceptance  +4   Lol. SA should hire you for endorsements ;-D
Pinkpuffy69   27-7-2018 12:48  Acceptance  +3   Interesting
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Post at 23-8-2018 09:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by aurufc at 27-7-2018 12:18
After 2nd divorce, in a moment of supreme cynicism, I calculated how much they had cost me (clothes, jewellery, cars, trips, settlements etc) over the 20 year span and figured out how much per year th ...

In Hong Kong there are still many "traditional" girls who do not expect sex to happen after just three dates. Quite a number of them prefer to wait for months, years or even after marriage. They want to make sure the relationships is "stable" and the guy is a trustworthy one who will not pump and dump her. Many guys understand this and decide not to push for sex as a sign of "respect" for his girl.

So in terms of efficiency dating in Hong Kong is not really a good choice. Hong Kong women especially the prettier ones also tend to be high maintenance and very difficult to please. This may explain why many local guys go for WGs. Months or years of pleasing and caring for a girl in exchange for the hope of having sex, that's a bad deal even in the eyes of the local guys with very low standards.
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Post at 23-8-2018 16:16  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #4 hcnova's post

Think you are describing local HK blokes with local hk girls and this is very true from what I hear from HK mates - they want the ring.

Different thing for an older Western guy dating a local younger girl - if they are will to date gweilo's they know a bang is expected within a few dates and a BBBJ is the way to keep the dating going.

As a game, what are the bro's thoughts on the % of 20-30yr old local girls that will actually date a gweilo?

I reckon it is no more than 25%

For simplicity, just use the Rating button and put in the % you think

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hcnova   24-8-2018 13:44  Acceptance  +1   I would say the more educated the girl is, the more open she is with dating foreigners.
zebra   24-8-2018 08:43  Acceptance  +5   Overseas uni educated: 90%, local uni educated: 30%, others: 5%
Mister   23-8-2018 22:38  Acceptance  +1   Optimistic ;-p
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Post at 24-8-2018 13:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by aurufc at 23-8-2018 16:16
Think you are describing local HK blokes with local hk girls and this is very true from what I hear from HK mates - they want the ring.

Different thing for an older Western guy dating a local younger ...

I'm just curious, will an average western guy (I know it's hard to generalize "western" but anyways) dump a girl if she doesn't agree to have sex after three dates? So sex is actually necessary to turn dates into a stable relationship? Because for the locals, it's the reverse, a stable relationship is the prerequisite for sex, and sex is viewed as an engine that makes a relationship stronger and more intimate.

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Mister   24-8-2018 14:17  Acceptance  +3   Can’t underestimate how conservative, despite appearances, many (not all) HK girls still are

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