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18-12-2016 15:20

Been to shenzhen and HK KTV quite a few times. Shenzhen ones usually cheaper than HK ones. Sit fee usually 500-700 a night. Some will be offered to take out but will notice you if they do st/lt. usually price per person for a drinking night with girls just sitting is about 1500. Take out fees excluded. Take out probably range from 800 st over 1200-1500 LT.

HK KTV been to a few in Tst. The ones I went to have sitting fee of 700-800 for 2 hours for PRC chicks. Local/Taiwan ones are usually more expensive ranging 1300-1500. Basically you get to drink with the girl and depending of the chemistry with the girl you can get more out of it. Drinks usually are 500/12 bottles of beer. Didn't drink other things as we always drink beer when we go out. Rooms have minimum charge. Usually damage is about 3500 HKD a night just with drinking and about 4-5 hours sitting time.

Cheaper karaoke in Mongkok area usually the bill is about 2000-2500 for the same time but quality of the rooms and chicks is worse. You can get BJ in the rooms. Saw it many times, offered the girls some money to blow my friend etc. girls are more dirty minded in MK area. Usually you can get to ST them about 500 a pop. Either in the rooms upstairs or in an empty KTV room. While the KTV in Tst for take out is a hotel or room upstairs.

Hope it covers a bit of questions on the KTV scene.

The KTV I went to didn't have hidden charges so we could see as many girls as we want

ramont 18-12-2016 19:05 Karma +4 thanks
slackerrus 20-12-2016 13:05 Karma +2 got any names for these locations? and high young or old are these ladies? especially mk?

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