Original Post

28-12-2015 00:10

It definitely requires more commitment and effort, but it also seems more rewarding.

I'll probably revise this post later when I don't have to write it on my phone.

1. WeChat is the program of choice in China (and thus HK).  I haven't tried those 2 other apps in the link in the previous post.
2. The program can translate text. Simply hold down a message and click translate, and it will be translated to the default language you set on the app!  It'll be broken English, but its possible to figure it out.  So on your side, use simple words and phrases!
3. On a side note, It seems the phone numbers in the girls DB all have WeChat. So you can prebook this way.
4. Turn on "discover nearby" and set your account as male.  You'll start having WG and agent accounts add you as a friend (within 1km radius) ;). Can talk with them in English and use the translate to figure things out!
5. Generally, if you are discovering and trying to add WG, their accounts have their photo whichbare a bit suggestive, with no album (if album of sexy photos, those are generally agent accounts), and have simple Chinese names (2 of the same Chinese character repeated).
6. Feel them out with a phrase like "Hi beautiful girl" and see what they say.
7. Agent accounts seem to add a lot of"moments"with photos of their girls.

[ Last edited by  Xanduras at 28-12-2015 00:39 ]

scufferhk 28-12-2015 06:51 Karma +3 Yep this is what I do to. I also have a few DH on the go :)
doghead 29-12-2015 05:36 Karma +2 Thanks for the tips as I am still learning the ropes of wechat.
ChuckL 17-3-2016 04:29 Acceptance +1 Excellent - some solid points

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