Compendium of Non-STD Punting-related Afflictions
So, I'm reunited with one my Changping-posse bros the other night over drinks, and one of them asks if I ever went back to visit the girl from Hui Mei (report here). I laugh and say, "you mean the Baby Giraffe? No, but I was really tempted despite the horrible sex". Explanation of name then ensues. Many, many beers later on cocktail napkins we put together this short compendium of Non-STD Punting-related Afflictions:
Asian (Yellow) Fever: an incurable attraction to Asian members of the opposite sex.
Cure: No known.
Baby Giraffe Virus: an infection causing mongerers to be involuntarily drawn back to young and adorable WG's without any carnal skillsets. (Name derives from the beauty and awkwardness of new-born baby giraffes in the wild).
Cure: innoculation is usually accomplished after second visit.
K-Botulism: an infection of the mongering hemisphere of the brain causing pleasure response only to the appeal, charms, skills of K-girls. (Name derives from the clone-like aesthetics and carnal scripts of K-girls, aka K-bots).
Cure: No known, though condition goes into inexplicable occasional remission.
Schettinosis: a dangerous condition of falling for a WG, leading to the sinking of afflicted mongerer's ship. (Name derives Capitano Schettino of the ill-fated Costa Condordia.)
Cure: 1. a hard slap across the noggin by said mongerer's bros, 2. complete depletion of mongerer's bank account.
Werewolf (Wolfman) Virus: a occasional condition by which mongerer can only reach climax while engaged in a canine (doggie) position.
Cure: condition comes and goes, like the common cold.
That's all we could come up with before we couldn't write any more.
Would love to hear other 141 bros names for common non-STD afflictions--for instance, big tits (obviously missing from above list), DH's perhaps, etc.
[ Last edited by jetsetting2much at 21-3-2013 05:56 ] | |