Original Post

17-6-2012 04:58
My worst experience

My worst experience was when I first got into the hobby, I was a noob. So I saw an ad on backpage from an Asian massage parlor. Their pictures really caught my eyes. I made the call. The parlor was 25 miles from my house, but I didn't seem to care. On the drive there, I was
really turned on. As soon as I got to the parlor, I paid the mamasan the house fee. She led me into the room and told me my girl will arrive in a short while. I was there lying on the table with a hard-on. Then a girl walked in I didn't get a good look at her face, but she had a nice
body. Her english was limited.Then with her hands, she covered my eyes and told me she wanted to give my face a massage. She magically came up with a blindfold and told me this will make the session better. She straight forwardly asked me if I wanted the special service. I was like hell yeah. For some reason, she didn't ask for the money then. I was thinking in my head, "Oh boy, this is going to be great". So she did her thing, and after the session I took off the blindfold and saw her face. I puked into my mouth. I was like WTF this girl is like 40 years old and not even close to the girl I saw in the ads. She left the room telling me she will get me some water. I quickly got dressed and ran out the room. She saw me left so she started chasing me yelling that I didn't pay yet. But as soon I started running to my car, a cop was there waiting next to my car. The girl saw him and freaked out so she left. Apparently, I was parking in a no-parking area. So, instead of paying for the girl, I had to pay the government for the ticket. Lesson learned. Most ads are fake and their girls are dinosaur aged.

AsnDragon 17-6-2012 05:33 Karma +1 LOL! You ran for your life!

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