Original Post

21-5-2012 01:11

"Gweilo dick syndrome" is actually a cover for something more relevant and important: The communication barrier of working girls not being able to understand English and guys not being able to understand Cantonese or Mandarin.

I have a number of WGs that I've become friends with over the years and none of ever refused a customer because of the size of his dick.  When size was an issue, they would just offer a BJ or HJ instead.  The communication barrier is important because WGs can't communicate when they are saying "No" and customers can't communicate when they want to ask a question about services.  Digging deeper, it's usually Western men (American, Canadian, European) who want more services like BBBJ, DATY, MSOG because in their home countries that's usually available.  In Asia the culture is different and thus so are the services provided.  Since WGs can't communicate this if they don't speak English, it's just easier to refuse white males altogether.  A guy might think that he's fighting with his dollar by walking away and refusing to see a WG with such an attitude, but punters are around every corner and in the world of punting and working girls customer service and return customers is pretty low in importance.

TheButler 21-5-2012 06:08 Karma +1 Aah, so it's just my DP BBAnal Goldenshower fixation she's rejecting?!

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