Subject: What is "GDS?"
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Post at 20-5-2012 23:03  Profile P.M. 
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What is "GDS?"

I'm guessing it's something like "Gwailo Dick... Syndrome" or something like that? It seems to get used in that context a lot. I looked here: but as comprehensive as that list seems, I found nothing explaining GDS.

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ramont   20-5-2012 23:41  Acceptance  +1   you guessed correctly
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Post at 20-5-2012 23:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pijyske's post

Basically, when a girl says you (a white guy) have a really big dick and then uses it as an excuse to not ride CG, not fuck, not do anal or basically get out of some type of sex service, usually followed by a HJ.
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Post at 21-5-2012 01:11  Profile P.M. 
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"Gweilo dick syndrome" is actually a cover for something more relevant and important: The communication barrier of working girls not being able to understand English and guys not being able to understand Cantonese or Mandarin.

I have a number of WGs that I've become friends with over the years and none of ever refused a customer because of the size of his dick.  When size was an issue, they would just offer a BJ or HJ instead.  The communication barrier is important because WGs can't communicate when they are saying "No" and customers can't communicate when they want to ask a question about services.  Digging deeper, it's usually Western men (American, Canadian, European) who want more services like BBBJ, DATY, MSOG because in their home countries that's usually available.  In Asia the culture is different and thus so are the services provided.  Since WGs can't communicate this if they don't speak English, it's just easier to refuse white males altogether.  A guy might think that he's fighting with his dollar by walking away and refusing to see a WG with such an attitude, but punters are around every corner and in the world of punting and working girls customer service and return customers is pretty low in importance.

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TheButler   21-5-2012 06:08  Karma  +1   Aah, so it's just my DP BBAnal Goldenshower fixation she's rejecting?!
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Post at 21-5-2012 14:37  Profile P.M. 
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All it takes is one idiot using his oversized dick like a pneumatic drill without any concern for the girl, and she is GDS for life.  I imagine is is not unlike being eviscerated.  Western porn has a lot to answer for.

What we see is some guy with a baseball bat sized tool, give a quick spit 'n smear on the girls pussy then plough right in to the hilt.  They don't show all lube application, and warm up and fluffing ahead of time.  And for a lot of guys, is sex ed.

Please newbies - for the sake of the rest of us white guys who will follow you - help her to relax and lube up so she can comfortably fit you in.  And she can't relax unless she is confident that you won't just stab in unpredictably.

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dooper   22-5-2012 07:53  Acceptance  +1   "sake of the rest of us white guys" Only white guys?
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Post at 22-5-2012 08:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reason: \"sake of the rest of us white guys\" Only white guys?

Point taken.  Should have said gweilo.
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Post at 22-5-2012 12:02  Profile P.M. 
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From what some experience WGs told me, they would not do Arab men under any cumstances...  Not even BJs ... Seems like the majority have 4" dicks 20" wide !!!
But this is hear say ... I've never seen this

edit - spelling mistake caused by Iphone spell check !  

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 22-5-2012 15:19 ]

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yazoo   22-5-2012 12:35  Acceptance  +1   virus stances? You must be typing on an apple!
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Post at 22-5-2012 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 twiceAweek's post

Haha ... An Indonesian friend of him said it is the south americans she has trouble with - alway a bit on the big side.

She told me about once she struggled to get him in her mouth, and her hand was too small to get a good to wank him off.

She said she was so embarrassed she tried not charge him. He insisted and wanted tosee her again just to jack off...
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Post at 22-5-2012 19:59  Profile P.M. 
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growing up as a younger man all the girls you date seem to want is a guy hung with something resembling a battleship...

Then the ladies you pay want something smaller so its easier to cope with...

Women are never happy!
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Post at 22-5-2012 20:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 5/21/12 11:02 PM
From what some experience WGs told me, they would not do Arab men under any cumstances...  Not even BJs ... Seems like the majority have 4" dicks 20" wide !!!

In my experience growing up and living in multicultural Canada, certain ethnic groups including Arabs, Indians, Sri Lankans and Pakistanis are very sexist and chauvinist.  They treat women really bad.  Many of my female Indian friends won't date Indian men because growing up they saw how bad their fathers, brothers and other Indian males treated women.  One WG friend was beaten by a black male and now won't see anyone who doesn't speak Cantonese or Mandarin.  These women work in a tough and stressful line of duty and can choose their customers and if they don't want to see a certain group for whatever reason I say that's fair to them.
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Post at 22-5-2012 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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Speaking of multiculturalism, "Gwailo Dick Syndrome" is blatant "discrimination" against Chinese men having with Gwailo-sized equipment.

Henceforth, GDS shall be known as"Giant Dick Sensitivity" so that no one's feelings are hurt.

This does lead to an interesting question, however, have any of our Chinese brothers here having large sized equipment been refused by the provider because it was "too big"?

Also, speaking of Canada, I have read in some government office is the term "blacklist" is not permitted to be used as it is offensive to black people , regardless of wheter or not they are in fact on a blacklist.

Keep on mongering

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 22-5-2012 20:59 ]

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PVGoober   24-5-2012 15:29  Acceptance  +1   So?? You changing your name to "Giant" player
yazoo   23-5-2012 10:44  Karma  +1   We can't even say manhole. In respect to roads, that is...
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Post at 22-5-2012 21:02  Profile P.M. 
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My concern is that i am a 'westerner'.. should i be offended when WG's say i am inflicted with ADS?

EDIT***  oops, better add.. that ADS means: "another dick syndrome"

[ Last edited by  Meltdown at 22-5-2012 21:06 ]

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