Original Post

2-5-2012 22:14
What’s your take on this?

This happened a while back and once in a while I’ll still think back and ponder over my decision. So the cover story goes, I was straying in the small streets and found this health spa area. So I just went up and after getting into the rooms, I’ve got couple of chicks changed though I realized they were much older crowd albeit sexy and slutty for some.

So I convinced myself to take this particular nice C rack babe and she’s skilled with the licking, catbath, milk with bbbj. Service wise was great. Then she came whispering into my ears, “Do you wanna come my place tomorrow noon and have fun?” And I did ask, it was for no charge. She mentioned meeting up at 11am near her area where we could grab some food then off to biz. She did say getting caught having sex in the center will result in a fine of 5k RMB each.

So before she leave the room, she dialed my phone and kept my contact. Just somehow in me says, something’s not right, so I didn’t save her num. Too many ‘What if’ went past my head so bummer I just told myself heck with it. Besides, the next day I slept till 4pm in the noon and I did not get a call from her anyway. So gone a couple of days, I clean forgot the offer.

Perhaps one of the biggest rock I stumbled onto is free, nothing comes free. Well, beats me.

So, what’s your take on this? Would you have just gone up her place and take the freebie? Did I think too much? Or yes, it’s a trap!

SEAJ 2-5-2012 22:33 Karma +1 U really wanna know wot I REALLY think? OK>IMHO, Ur'e F.O.S. Sry U DID ask!

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