I got caught once.Had a Thai gf, real looker.Went to BKK to visit her.Everything was nice, she was a traditional Thai girl so no FS when we first met.Just HJ and fooled around.Then she left early because she needed to work other day.After she left the room, i was on my way to Soi Cowboy. .And had a lady in my room for that night.that became our routine, she was leaving at 10 pm and i was heading the bars and go-gos.But she started to act distant after second date.When my time to leave came, she said starting from the first date, she arranged the receptionists and the bellboys so she knew everything, all the girls that visited me during my stay.Needless to say she dumped my ass.
It s crucial that seperating your living quarters with your mongering habitat.Pinoys and Thais are more likely to make a scene, that was the lesson learned | |