Reply #38 Wachovia68's post
No Shit!
Many/most Caucasion GFs do not accept that you are even just chatting up/flirting with other girls. This, by itself, is reason for divorce for many of them. The media, the culture, the feminst movement.., have all created a very different environment and set of expecations from what we see in Asia. It is an unrealistic expectation, in my opinion, but one that is firmly planted in the culture.
Some Bro, earlier in this thread, said "if she is the "one" than you'll never need or want to whore around". Bullshit! It might be true for the first year or even first 5 or more years. But a common reality is that our sex-drives are often MUCH higher than a woman's. Their hope is that we just live with it. Little sex henceforth...
I did just that, for a while, I lived with it. My SO was indeed the "one" for me. I knew it early and still believe it. So do I accept a diminished sex-life till the end of my days just to be with her?
I can love my SO to death and have her back till the end of time (which I do)..., and still get my rocks off elsewhere one or more times per week. These two facts are not mutually-exclusive. Western Culture (and Disney) says it is.., but that is bullshit.
A few enlightened western woman have come to recognize this. My SO must be one of them, or surely I would have been caught out years ago if she wasnt. For why should my sex-drive be any less important than hers? Just because she doesnt want it as often anymore means I have accept a crap sex-life? No.
Just be prepared for the worst case scenario. If the shit hits the fan with your SO, can you live with the consequences? If not.., dont fuck around. You WILL get caught eventually -- and you need to "man up" and pay the piper when it happens. If that doesnt sit well than be a good boy.., bored and blue-balled, perhaps, but guilt-free and secure.
It is a choice. | |