################ UPDATE ########################
Okay, the girl decided to unblock me (yesterday) on Whatsapp and pretend everything was back to normal. She started sending me text messages like "how r u?", "busy?", "have fun at work honey"... blah blah
Lucky I posted here. I ignored her and didn't bother to contact her today. First day not to talk to her since meeting her.
After reading all the posts and analysing my possible reasons for being a dickhead.... those would be a combination of the following:
1) I have a lot of $ because I run a popular porn tube website that earns more $/day than my actual job
2) My big man ego took over. I thought - I could impress her so much that she would actually fall for me
3) My wife, even though she is beautiful, thin, super nice and lovely - doesn't put out nor does she get affectionate with me. So I'm trying to fill this lack of affection and sex at home
Now, I identified the relationship was heading no where after it became apparent on the 12th date that she wouldn't let me hold hands, she would walk at least 1 metre in front of me, when it rain - she didn't want to share an umbrella etc... I got caught in a situation where when she showed interest (irrespective of my money and not me), it made me feel important and wanted. This made me want to make her like me more, and then my big man ego took over again and again....
I have chosen to ignore her. If she sends me messages asking to meet, I will say I'm busy working or something. She will eventually get the picture. I tried to directly tell her not to contact me again because the relationship is going no where, and she turns to the lovey dovey but no intimacy.
What I think is... I would not leave my wife for this girl even if my wife doesn't put out either. Both my wife and this girl doesn't put out - BUT at least my wife is normal and doesn't demand money, play games etc.
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