It's the man role to take the lead!
I got no problem with buying gifts for pretty lady. Jewlery, flowers, makeup, chocolate.... Sometimes damn-expensive-jewelry. I enjoy it. I Love those moments when giving a gift to her.... A wonderful surprise.., a great smile.....
But an iPhone aint a gift for a date! It is a utility, a tool.., no more than a toilet!. A gal asks me for that (other than my SO) and I know exactly where I stand with her ---- and I'll tell her such... Goodbye!
A gal asks you for a specific utilitarian gift like that before you've even been intimate? Shite... I would have left the table and on to Wanchai before she finished the sentance.
There is something about how people present themselves, I suppose. I have been with 1,000 women - yet none have asked me for shit like this ---- yet I have bought many gals even more expensive jewelry. The ones that received such never asked for anything. (and I had been seeing them for some time!).
If they ask for ANYTHING in the first few dates..., move on... | |