Original Post

26-1-2012 14:22

Originally posted by kaiiyu at 26-1-2012 01:40
Every country has this kind of this, being from Sydney, you get a lot of racism. From the wogs hating the Aussies, to the lens hating the Asians, to the Asians hating the Aussies. I grew up with it.

You provide a very distorted view of Australia... and it's Australia Day today so double shame on you!

Today, Australia is a very multi-cultural society with an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward all cultures. Isolated acts of racism and the rhetoric that follows does not mean as a society we are racist... it just means there are idiots who live in every country... even Australia. LOL

Australian people have become much more sensitive to racism and act accordingly. From time to time our "light hearted and very dry" sense of humour can be interpreted in a way it was definitely not intended. We are becoming more conscious of that now days. Just because YOU don't find a term or phrase offensive does NOT make it OK to use.

I have to think that loveasia does not have much experience travelling in the region, in fact his posts smack of someone who has been to Hong Kong & China a couple of times and has formed his entire opinion based on a handful of experiences. Kind of like watching 2 - 3 episodes of JerrySpringer and deciding THAT's America!

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 26-1-2012 14:25 ]

SEAJ 27-1-2012 15:38 Karma +1 Right up my alley-Jerry Springer! Woo Hoo!!

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