Once again i find SEAj misses the point...
While I agree with some of your points I find your arguements odd...
Prostitution is much better in HK than the west because it is MUCH more accepted here than the west. Given it is more accepted the gals have a safer, better environment with less chances of imprisonment, trafficking, etc. As a result A LOT more gals choose to join the trade and supply goes WAY up prices WAY down. HK is cheap as hell compared to anywhere in the west and Supply is the reason.
So..., if the legal scene became even more "normalized" for the sex trade supply would increase even more. Amsterdam is a good example - cheapest P4P sex in the developed west..., why? Many more hookers. Why? It is legal: no risk or prosecution and little harassment.
So: a better legal environment for WGs ABSOLUTELY benefits punters!! More supply of gals, cheaper prices, safer environments.
Prohibition of any vice NEVER reduces prices. Look at alcohol in the U.S. During the 30's. Highest prices ever and for shit product. Or look at th price of marijuanna - a frickn weed that grows damn near anywhere. 1,000 times the price of rape-seed or corn. Why? Prohibition. Demand for pot is much less than corn, is easier to grow, yet prices are astronomically higher, quality is variable, and transactions are risky. Always the case.....
Your economics are off, Bro.
[ Last edited by wander at 5-1-2012 11:57 ] | |