Original Post

21-11-2010 19:46
Reply #5 DaBestHK's post

Famous or infamous?

TT: i don't dress up in a suit and have had no problem, though i don't think it would hurt, except at maybe laguna, where its definitely smart casual. One Erotic Emperor buddy turned up in shorts (you'd know who he is) and we ended taking the two hottest girls out of the bar (hand in hand) only a minute or two after approaching for chitchat. One time i went to laguna in a business shirt and pants, because i was coming from an immportant meeting, and the girls were looking at me like a weirdo - like who the heck is TD trying to impress.

Anyway, to the OP, just look clean, and check your undies for skid marks before you head out. Nothing like shit in your jocks to kill the mood. Hahaha.

To skinny, nothing wrong with romancing the girls a little with flowers. I did that with GNRs, and i got cum in mouth in return.

[ Last edited by  Thai-delight at 21-11-2010 20:01 ]

scootermonger 21-11-2010 20:56 Karma +1 Favorable
SkinnyForum 21-11-2010 23:12 Acceptance +1 Ah-ha! White flowers to every girl now o

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