Original Post

21-11-2010 13:57
Reply #8 SEAJ's post


Sorry if i gave t he wrong impression, i am not trying to climb up the ladder and playing cry wolf here. I believe that i should only be given K and A's for my reports that are worthy of it only.

lol and as for throwing a temper tantrum? lol im sorry but i think you need to go and see a psychiatrist lol what i am saying is true and not BS as you have suggested. As i previously stated, i am not trying to climb the ranks as fast as i can. But i do believe that anyone that puts in an effort to post detailed reports should be rated by both the regular bros in here and especially newbies, it is the Newbies that are not supporting each other that im ranting about.

The point i was trying to get at was that i have made a big effort to put up posts and other Newbies are only reading my posts and not giving me support, whilst ive made an effort to rate their reports giving the one's i feel i should give A's to.

and to be honest, with an attitude like urs, i dont think the newbies will appreciate the way u . U only have this attitude because of ur rank, who r u really to say that im throwing a temper tantrum and saying im not behaving like an adult? lol ur suck a joke! Its basically me saying that u r one old sad gweilo in hong kong. Now thats not nice is it? So i would say dont judge a cover by its books, until u actually know all the facts old man! lol

SEAJ 21-11-2010 15:31 Karma -1 This is how -K's work> U get it?
DArtagnan 21-11-2010 16:33 Karma +1 u need a thicker skin around here ... th

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