Reply #10 SEAJ's post
I must admit my initial reaction to the OP was to say, "Kwitcherbellyachin' and post some more reports,
otherwise don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."
1. chap314 appears to have made a genuine effort to post readable reports. It may just be newbie impatience
he's displaying, wanting a short cut to the higher ranks without paying his full dues. Even Goose has said his
early reports only attracted a few karma each. As a reformed (?) KW yourself, you should understand the need
to have people read and appreciate your deathless prose.
2. Aren't we trying to be kinder and gentler with newbies these days, so as not to frighten them off? In that
spirit, I thought a friendly pep talk would be more in order. Regardless, SkinnyForum put it pithily and perfectly. | |