Original Post

18-7-2010 11:28

OP is not a weirdo. He just has never experienced making love as opposed to porn film pounding. It is very rare that a paid sexual encounter will give you the feelings you are craving for. Sex providers are just that. They provide sex. They may trick us into a GFE but you can see their eyes in a mirror during the act and realise exactly what you are - a customer. Some are better at it than others, but believe me, 99.9999% of hookers would do something else if they could earn a decent living doing so. In fact, I saw a survey once where most hookers reported a feeling of physical nausea during and after the act of whoring their bodies.

So, here's my advice. Stop mongering. Stop wasting your time and money seeing hookers. Your EQ is not advanced enough yet to take sex for what it is, and need to experience sex with a girl who is actually into you and want to make love with you rather than a paid companion who will put up with you fumblings.

Mister 18-7-2010 11:49 Acceptance +3 99.9999% bit high, else agree.

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