What does ML / CIM / BBBJ / DUP / USB etc. mean ?
Look them up here : A list of terms and acronyms [GLOSSARY]
Do the WGs test for STDs?
There's no law that requires them to do regular check-ups. I also don't think their pimps will force them go for check-ups. There are uneducated WGs who don't care about hygiene and i believe there are also WGs who are concerned about their health and go for check-ups regularly. So this is a highly debatable subject.
Related Thread(s):
> Girl Cleanliness / STD
> Do hong kong prostitutes undergo mandatory health checks?
Will I get HIV / STDs / Zits from BBBJ / DFK / DATY / BB / HJ , etc etc ?
Ask your doctor or go to the family planning association ... bros here have different opinions and are not qualified to answer this question ! If you want to practise safe sex, then make sure there is no exchange of bodily fluids ! If you want to punt, then be prepared to take the risk. How big or small the risk is? Highly disputable. So please stop asking these questions, it will only result in heated discussions.
Related Thread(s):
> HIV - Is DATY 100% Safe?
> Are BBBJs Safe?
> DATY Safe ?
Where can I test for STD?
Most GP clinics in Hong Kong provide STD/HIV tests. There are also clinics specializing in men's health. For more information, check out the below threads.
Related Thread(s):
> STD Testing in HK?
> STD checkup in Hong Kong
> STD clinics in HK
Who is James Bond/007/BTP ?
They are the papa-san who answer the phone when you call the HGs' number. These nicknames are given to them by our fellow forum members. E.g. BTP = Big Titties Papa, because his girls are usually quite well-endowed.
Related Thread(s):
> Who is this James papasan???
> What is a James Bond girl??
> btp???
Does size matter?
Most WGs are "seasoned" enough to accomodate all kind of shape and sizes, unless she is very fresh and new to the business. But even the most "seasoned" WGs sometimes use the excuse of "You are too big for me" to slack off. If you are too big, (see TwiceaWeek's avatar) expect lots of KY, or a lack of enthusiasm. So size does matter to a certain degree in punting, but generally, it's ok, you won't get the door slammed in your face.
Related Thread(s):
> Whether size really matters
> Penis size
> What size counts as big to Mongkok girls?
I am Indian. Will the girls refuse me?
Many WGs associate Indians with strong body odour, so there is bound to be some discrimination. But hey, if you look like a Bollywood star, everything will be fine. Feedbacks from fellow Indian punters on this forum suggest they still get their fair share of punts. So don't worry, just go out and have fun, if you get rejected, there are still plenty to choose from! Remember, it's your individual appearance, not your nationality that matters!
Related Thread(s):
> Ethnicity...
> Indian - odds of getting action or rejection in HK!
Sex141 magazine?
Yes, there is a 141 magazine, published monthly. It costs HK$20 and only available in Chinese. It can be found in newsstands near the WG buildings. Information inside is similar to what you see on this website, so it is really not necessary, unless you are cut off from the digital world.
Related Thread(s):
> Where can I find a copy of 141 Magazine?
Are there any saunas in Hong Kong like in the movie 'Rush Hour" ?
No, no sauna in Hong Kong is like what you saw in that movie !!! One cannot select face to face sauna girls in HK. One should to go to Macau saunas for choosing girls.
Where can I buy a Macau sauna package ?
At Shun Tak ferry terminal, shops on the 3rd floor (near the entrance to the ferry gates). You won't miss the shops, they all have posters of scantily-dressed girls on the glass walls. Just walk in and ask for more information, they will offer different packages for you to choose from.
Related Thread(s):
> Shun Tak Centre Packages
> Macau Sauna / Massage Packages prices
> Macau Sauna Package question
What is 'Karma' / 'Credits' / 'RA' / 'Money' / 'Acceptance' ?
RA is the reading access. Different sections/posts have different RA, which you need to have the minimum RA to view them. Most attachments (photos) need a minimum RA to view too. Karma and credits are similar. They are gained when you post, or when other members rate and +karma you. These karma will determine your RA level. Acceptance is also given by other members, but they do not increase karma/credits and don't affect RA level. You can use Acceptance is post a short (less than 80 characters) comment. Money is a feature not used by this forum, so it is useless.
Related Thread(s):
> karma and money question...
> Can a moderator help me with karma/acceptance?
> Checking who gave you acceptance/karma's
> Forum credits/rankings
> acceptance points
What's the best way to increase my RA level / rank ?
Please read ... http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/viewthread.php?tid=10582
What kind of upgrade do I get from the online time ?
Nothing. There's no benefit from accumulating online time.
Related Thread(s):
> IMPORTANT: Online Time to Upgrade is a TRAP - it does NOTHING
Help! I can't access sex141.com in China...
Thanks to the Great Firewall of China, all websites of sexual nature or pornography are filtered and censored. And the list includes sex141. To bypass this, you need to use a proxy server. A proxy server is a gateway that masks your internet surfing, makes your PC anonymous. A popular and fairly stable one is www.vtunnel.com
Related Thread(s):
> A hole in the GREAT FIRE WALL OF CHINA (Proxy sites to access 141)
> Can get in sex141 web in China?
I can't see most of the pictures, what can I do ?
Pictures that are more graphic or show WGs' faces have a Reading Access level put on them, you will need to achieve the necessary RA level in order to see the pics. Info on RA level : READING ACCESS (RA)
How to take photos of the WG to show in my report?
Although majority of the reports on 141 has real photos in it, it is not compulsory to have a real photo to write up a good report. Of course everyone would like to see real photos of the WG, so to get it, there are many ways. Simply ask for one! You might get a YES, or you might get rejected. This depends on the chemistry between the both of you. Based on experience, it's fairly easy to get photos of HGs (except KG, HG, Gwai-Mui). Walk-ups are not as easy, since some of them are permenantly residents and do not want to be exposed. Anyway, if the WG is shy and not willing to get photographed, please respect her and DO NOT insist anymore.
Related Thread(s):
> When taking photos...
> Definitive Photo / Video Etiquette
> Opinions on posting pictures in this forum
> Taking Pics of WGs
I still have a lot of other questions ...
Use the [search] function on top of the page before posting your mongering questions !
[ Last edited by kaka at 19-5-2011 14:28 ] | |