(YaYa PaPaYa)
Godfather of Hole
UID 4484
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Registered 15-11-2007 Location China
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I'm new to mongering... how do I start ?
Easy. Just take your time, read through this FAQ, study the reports, choose a WG from the DB, summon your courage and go enjoy your first punt!
Related Thread(s):
> Simple guide for first timers - walk up WGs
> Newcomer's Guide to 141 HK
> what happens from the second you walk through the door
> Any recommendations for a virgin?
> At the door, any protocol?
Do papasans speak English ?
A few do speak decent English, some speak broken English, some may hang up on you. You need to phone them and try, if you can communicate with them then fine, if you can't then move on to the next girl.
Related Thread(s):
> Problem setting an appointment in English...
> English only!
Do the girls speak English ?
Some walk ups do, most PRC Chinese hotel girls don't. Japanese and Koreans usually can speak English.
Related Thread(s):
> English???
What is a hotel walk-in ?
It means you will only meet the girl in a hotel ... generally, you will go to her hotel room as arranged by her papa, there is no additional cost for using her room but you can also negotiate for her to come to your hotel, with additional transportation fee. Hotel girls usually work for a period of 2 weeks or less ... do not plan ahead to see them if you are not already in HK.
Related Thread(s):
> When you call a Hotel Reservation gal,
What is C-hotel / K-Hotel ? Which are the hotels are the girls at?
C-Hotel / K-Hotel are just abbreviations. Note that for privacy reasons, we don't spell out the full name of the hotels on this forum. The easiest to find out, is to call the number in the WG's ad, and ask the papa/mama directly.
Related Thread(s):
> Typical Hotels for HGs in Hongkong
What's the difference between Hotel Reservation Gals, Phone Reservation and 141 Walk-up ?
1) Hotel Reservation Gals
- Usually on tourist visa, 7 to 14 days - PRC. Only a few with 30 / 60 days visa, if they have guarantor.
- For non-PRCs, usually slightly longer Tourist Visa depend which countries they are from.
- So, all HGs here are on short stay.
2) Phone Reservation
- similar to Hotel Reservation Gals but most of the time, price is a bit lower.
- In general, quality also not as good as HGs.
- You usually can also spot this gal in Mongkok Brothels after midnight, especially if the DB location is in MK.
- Why no address ? Because the building where this gal is housed are not meant for 141, most are
residential apartment (room) or some no star motel.
- Visa, same as 1) above.
3) 141 Walk up
- Most of these gals have HKID, hence they no concern of getting caught by the authorities
- That's why u see thier DBs up in 141 all year round - unless the main gal sub-rent it to a substitute
when its their REST days or when they're out of the town.
Basically, main difference is most of the walk up gals have HKID while phone reserv & Hotel gals come here on tourist Visa.
Related Thread(s):
> Phone appointment and hotel reservation
What does " lease show caller ID" mean?
In most of the ads, " lease show caller ID" appears after the telephone number. This simply means when you call, your number must be seen on their phone. They need to see your number because this will allow them to call you back to follow up on the booking. If they see an unknown caller, sometimes they may not pick up the call at all. So if you are embarrassed to use your own phone number, then buy a pre-paid SIM card to use for punting.
Related Thread(s):
> What dose mean the " lease show caller ID"??
What does "silk socks" mean?
In some ads, under Review: there's "silk socks". This is actually just a bad translation of "stockings". This means the WG has stockings and will wear for your kinky needs.
Related Thread(s):
> shiny pantyhose girls - any ideas ?
What does "serve for PD" mean ?
The girl provides service for the physically disabled.
Related Thread(s):
> What does " D" mean?
What is the time limit for the session with the girl ?
Hotel girls - 45 minutes
Walk ups - 45 minutes ~ 1 hour depending on the girl
Brothels - 45 minutes
Can I book a WG for overnight ? whole day ?
Yes you can. The price varies for each WG. The average price for overnight is 3 times the price of her 1 regular session. Look for WGs whose ads say "Negotiable for overnight".
Related Thread(s):
> all day long
> Overnights
> Hotel Overnighter with WG's
> Overnights
How many shots can I do ?
Walk up girls - usually 1 shot (negotiate price for 2nd shot)
Hotel girls - 1 shot
Brothel girls - multiple, within the time frame
Overnight - there's no fixed rule, depends on how you neg
Related Thread(s):
> overnight , how many times allowed
> Mulitiple shots with WGS.....
> 2nd shot negotiable
Do WG shave their pussy ?
Most Chinese girls don't. But sometimes there are Chinese girls with very sparse pubes, which is almost as close as shaved pussy (if not better).
Related Thread(s):
> WG with shaved or well kept pussy
> Shaved
Do girls allow anal ?
A few walk up girls do, most hotel girls don't. Note that most walk-up girls who do anal, are usually past their prime-time, offering anal to make-up for their lack of looks and appeal.
Related Thread(s):
> Girls who do anal sex
> Any new blood offering anal?
> anal
Do the girls allow golden shower or other kinky stuff ?
I'm sure not all WGs will share your kinky taste, but there are definitely some out there who are willing to satisfy your needs for a price. Try to search the DB for WGs with XM / SM services provided in their ads. If not, your best bet is with this WG > Click at your own RISK! <
Related Thread(s):
> golden shower
Can 3P / threesome be arranged?
Prostitution is legal in HK. But only legal if it's 1 girl per customer. Hence, technically 3-some is NOT legal. That's why sometimes WGs in HK will reject 3-some arrangement. So have a 3-some at your own risk!
Related Thread(s):
> 3P allowed with WG?
Is advance booking allowed ?
Walk up girls - usually no, unless you know the girl well
Hotel girls - for that day only, otherwise depends on how far advanced and your relationship with the papa.
Related Thread(s):
> Advance booking
> Pre-booking?
If I don't like what I see, can I reject the WG ?
Of course you can. For walk-ups, when the WG opens the door, if you don't like her looks, just be polite and say "No thank you.", then walk away. For hotel WGs, usually the HG will ask you "OK?", meaning whether you want her or not. If she's not the one you want, again you can walk away, then call the papa/mama for a replacement.
Related Thread(s):
> Anyone Getting trouble by rejecting WG
Are the information/ratings in the girl's DB accurate ?
Except for the name, address and prices listed, all other information listed in the DB are to be taken with a pinch of salt ... including the pictures of the girl (which can be PSed), height, measurements, race and marks for the girl. There is no need to ask or search if the girl speaks English as information like this is subjective and inaccurate most of the time.
Related Thread(s):
> WG ratings (or marks)
Is tipping necessary?
Tipping is not compulsory. It is entirely up to your personal preference. Only tip if you received good service, do not tip just because you feel obligated to. If you really want to tip, most people tip around 5%~15%.
Related Thread(s):
> question about tipping
> Locker Boy Tip?
> Tip System?
> Tips for WG
> How much do you usually tip and for what (HK, China, Macau)?
During Chinese New Year are WGs available ?
Yes, but walk ups and HGs are very limited in supply, most will start getting off work 2-3 days before CNY and will not go back to work until 7th or 10th day of CNY.
Related Thread(s):
> CNY girls availability
[ Last edited by kaka at 29-11-2011 23:32 ]