Original Post

20-4-2010 04:11

Alright bros..RICO here...

I have heard this expression numerous times..." MID-LIFE CRISIS"

Is RICO going through a "MID-LIFE CRISIS"...

As some of the bros know..." RICO is a workaholic..

This past month RICO just can't be "ARSED" doing anything... I am neglecting my work...( Deligating workloads...When i could of got better deals if i was negotiating them myself..)..My income for this month has gone down by 40 percent...( But RICO doesn't give a fuck..) It's a good job i have other sources of income..

I can't even be arsed getting up in the mornings...The days seems to drag.....All i do is watch online movies till the early hours of the morning and then sit down in the office playing online war games...

RICO still does punts even though i have "NO" urge to shag whatsoever.... Even my online time on this forum has deteriorated... To put in a sense of how "FUCKED UP" RICO feels....I cannot even enjoy a glass of my favourite wine....

Am i going through a "MID-LIFE CRISIS BROS"....

And can someone please explain the term "MID-LIFE CRISIS" to RICO please...

Because if this is not a mid-lfe crisis i am going through then "FUCK ME"...RICO still has that to endure...

[ Last edited by  Rico at 20-4-2010 04:19 ]

sitonmyface69 20-4-2010 09:45 Karma +5 cheer up dude!
Goose 21-4-2010 00:47 Acceptance +10 Cheer up buddy

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