Original Post

3-1-2010 13:03

I think one of the major concerns is that karma and credits are not given often on this site and I include myself.  A negative acceptance is thrown around quickly if you call a spade a spade.  All the members should be supporting each other and once we see someone who is actively supporting the site then we should help a fellow brother achieve the ratings.  For some of us reporting on a web site is already dangerous with prying eyes and a photo on a cell or camera could be very costly is found by a spouse.  I'm in agreement that we need to protect the girls as they deserve the privacy but lets not hurt future growth of this site that will occur with these new rules for the next little while.  A rule of thumb is when you tighten controls you must also offer incentives to keep people interested.

Thanks again for this great site that is clearly miles ahead of competitors in HK.

Weelock 4-2-2010 08:22 Acceptance +1 Favorable

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