Original Post

25-6-2009 19:59
Caesar's Entertainment

If you wish to minimize delays from walking and/or taxi, then from Central World, cross the street to Gaysorn Plaza, go to 2nd floor, and exit onto the skywalk to BTS Chidlom station. (Directly from Central World, I think there is an exit onto the skywalk to the BTS station.) Take BTS to Asok, exit and follow crowd to MRT interchange Sukhumvit station, get ticket for Huay Khwang.  Take MRT subway to Huay Khwang, follow exit no. 2 to street level, go left and walk about 20 paces, look up and left and there's the entrance to Caesar's.  Go in and ask for the captain Mr. A, who will tell you what the deal is.  Fish bowl girls are 2,100 baht, and sideline girls sitting on sofas are 3,000 baht.  If you are a gwailo, farang in Thai, you will be charged extra 1,000 baht because girls demand it.  

Tip Mr. A 100 baht, and when done, the girl 500 (about HK$110).  Doable within 2 hours.  Start time 2 pm, but not so many girls there.  Better if 4 or 5 pm.  Tell the girl time you wish to exit the room.  You can tell Mr. A his best customer from Hong Kong recommended you.

From Central World to Caesar's by BTS and MRT should be about 30 minutes all in.  You can arrange to meet back up with your SO at Central World or Paragon, where you get off at Chidlom or Siam station respectively.

[ Last edited by  tangoll at 25-6-2009 22:53 ]

Thai-delight 25-6-2009 22:31 Karma +2 very useful information!!!

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