Subject: Thoughts while walking around
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Post at 2-10-2024 16:52  Profile P.M. 
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Thoughts while walking around

dont know about the other mongerers around here but ever since i rejoined the pastime recently, and whenever I see a pretty girl, my thoughts wonder what would happen if i met her while visiting 141, hotel or spa.
just one of those things where we never know if we ever bump into a WG out on the streets since HK is so small especially around MK and TST areas.
Even on a bus or in the mTR, so many nice looking girls to look at.

wonder do the other bros think the same thoughts.

Recent Ratings
davcha   2-10-2024 20:58  Acceptance  +5   Doesn’t bother me. Only ever knowingly seen Jasmine outside. We were both running…just a knowing look!
HK_Legend   2-10-2024 17:51  Acceptance  +10   :) Imagine walking with one (rather visible) in broad daylight (in a no-wife area at least)! #IronBalls101? LOL

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