Subject: Monica - Russian model in HK, King Hing, Mong Kok 5th floor A5
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Post at 21-5-2024 17:45  Profile P.M. 
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Monica - Russian model in HK, King Hing, Mong Kok 5th floor A5

Thread Subject:hot Russian who looks like Italian actress steal my heart!
Date & Time of Session: any time I'm in Hong Kong
Location:  King Hing, Mong Kok, 5th floor, room A5, Hong Kong
Name:  Monica (suits her incredibly)
Nationality & Language: Russian, speak English fluently
Age: 25
Face:  10/10 (in love with her smile)
Body: 10/10
Height:  177 cm
Skill: 9/10
Service: 10/10
GFE: yes
Price & Session Length:  800$ & 30 min, she have list of extras in 2 languages
Repeat: yes!!!!

She is second time in Hong Kong and I was waiting when she comes  

I met her in February and first what kills my heart was her huge bright smile. It's not fake, looks like she really happy to see me. I was a bit surprised because most of the girls don't smile and I have no idea why.

So yes, first what you see when she opens a door - beautiful smile and face. Her body pretty sporty, she tall, her face is naturally beautiful, have long dark brown hair and I still think she was a model in the past but she keeps laughing about it. Her charisma is something, she is very friendly. Apart of that she really do great service.

She takes money first then propose you to go to shower (sometimes I ask her to come with me and this is extra charge 300$, she do it sexy but bathroom a bit too small, have no idea how she do it but we feel ourselves pretty comfortable there). Mostly I go alone if speak honestly

She always wait for me in sexy position   she never get naked, she knows I'm exiting to do it by myself she wait when I get dry with towel or help me she always kiss my body and treat me like her BF, I always feel like I'm loved one I don't like bj with condom so I always pay her 200$ for blowjob without it and she do it amazing! She lick my balls Deep throat, moving her head and she actually enjoy the process! Let's say something about her body - long long legs, beautiful boobs (she make surgery to make it smaller from D to B and this girls incredible, her nipples are pink and tasty). Her vagina like butterfly - perfect shape, perfect smell, so clean and pink her skin is smooth and soft. Really I come to her every time I can but unfortunately I'm not that much often in HK you can lick and touch her boobs, it's include in general price. You can touch her pussy but can't put fingers (it's extra as well). Small kisses are included too but without tongue (French one is extra). She moves great, do any position, her ass and back looks amazing from doggy. She scream, not like robot - that's I love as well

of course first treatment and all the next was a bit different. Service was great but when she saw me all other times she was so happy, ask me personal questions and sometimes if I have time we go in the morning for Breakfast together   let's say I'm in love with her service! she will be in HK till mid of June. She go for visa run at the end of May and come back 3rd (I don't remember which particular date she leaves). Probably she will change the room when come back so just search for Monica

Recent Ratings
Marcopastor   9-6-2024 21:05  Acceptance  +1   
MasterKlaus   28-5-2024 08:21  Acceptance  +1   
Fllnqthrd   27-5-2024 21:48  Acceptance  +1   
Up8   27-5-2024 17:13  Karma  +3   Sounds very good for a 141 Ruskie. Do you mind pm the photo to check on resemblance to the Italian actress
Narhhy   27-5-2024 16:43  Acceptance  +1   
vertturtle   27-5-2024 13:23  Acceptance  +1   
littlefinger   23-5-2024 06:17  Karma  +6   
miketk   21-5-2024 22:43  Karma  +4   No money no honey! Pay for erotic photos! Full text here so boring..
drjoker6969   21-5-2024 19:14  Acceptance  +3   300 HKD 4 shower! FIV for more HKD! NOT MCOT. Too mercenary. Lol.
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Post at 27-5-2024 12:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Szx's post

I've visited her yesterday and her bj is something.. Great time with this hot stunning model made my week bright and gives energy

Recent Ratings
drjoker6969   27-5-2024 16:34  Karma  +3   Pics? Thanks.
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Post at 27-5-2024 17:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Szx's post

We have pics together while I took her for a breakfast but I can't share myself if you understand what I mean man
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Post at 27-5-2024 20:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Szx's post

Replying to @Up8

This weekend she is leaving and I'll catch her next week man. I'll ask next time for a pic

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