Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 29-3-2024 09:49  Profile P.M. 
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[USA] [TX] [Austin] Lol Yisoo

[USA] [TX] [Austin] Lol Yisoo

Date: 3/28/2024
Location: The Domain
Name: Yisoo (TER ID: 383989)
Nationality & Language: Korean & Korean  (A little english)
Age: No clue, looks 20's -30's
Face: 7/10
Body: 9/10 Short tight package
Skill: 3
Service: 4
Price & Session Length: $340 1hr
Repeat: Not sure

Provider was great. Easy to screen and get in. Book 24h in advance and then show up and get door code to get in and door to knock.

Yisoo opened the door and wearing a skimpy black dress with nothing underneath. Went in and took off shoes and clothes and did the mouthwash cheers and then shower with some grouping and LFK. Then moved to bed and DATY and finally to BBBJ -> CG -> Doggy -> Mish. Energy wasn't there and would have liked her to show a little more energy but all and all a good experience.

[ Last edited by  pancho53 at 29-3-2024 14:34 ]

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Recent Ratings
Susanlixxx   3-4-2024 12:51  Karma  +2   Nice review but set ra10
Jade_moon   30-3-2024 15:48  Karma  +7   Good start for your first report but more details in the future. Practice make perfect so go out there and have fun.
cakp503   30-3-2024 15:09  Acceptance  +1   
Narhhy   29-3-2024 15:31  Acceptance  +1   
LazarusLong77   29-3-2024 14:18  Acceptance  +1   I think you should update to RA10 per the guidance

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