Subject: CityHeavenTraveller for Japan
Lustful Lord
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Post at 18-2-2024 11:05  Profile P.M. 
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CityHeavenTraveller for Japan

Detailed explanation is on their site --- but it's a partial list of the shops that are at least foreign friendly, Japanese language skills required to avoid "gaijin tax" or have more of the girls available will vary by shop.

Copy & paste & google the shops name usually gets the shop's actual site for more information. A few I had to do a reverse image search to find the shop's site.

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shampoo   19-2-2024 19:28  Acceptance  +3   
alex_french   19-2-2024 14:18  Acceptance  +5   See my comments
gg1234   19-2-2024 03:57  Acceptance  +2   
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 19-2-2024 14:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Manticore's post

Be careful, in this international traveler’s website, the gaijin tax of some shops can be as high as the standard fee for the local no matter one’s Japanese proficiency.

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gg1234   21-2-2024 09:38  Acceptance  +3   I wonder if anyone has made a list of shops and their gaijin tax rate.
Manticore   20-2-2024 20:00  Acceptance  +2   correct, using it to track down the actual shop's site is the way to use.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 1-3-2024 00:40  Profile P.M. 
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^^^ at least some shops there upcharges if you use it to book, but seems useful as a reference to go to the actual shops

[ Last edited by  Manticore at 1-3-2024 00:41 ]

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HKGPeter   2-3-2024 18:06  Acceptance  +3   Thank you.
bubeybo   1-3-2024 05:14  Acceptance  +4   Tokyo Night Style has a decent list too. Some are the same. When are you trying Gingira?

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