Subject: [Philippines][Lipa] Glimpse Beauty - Claire
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Post at 7-11-2023 13:09  Profile P.M. 
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[Philippines][Lipa] Glimpse Beauty - Claire

[Philippines][Batangas] Glimpse Beauty - Claire
Date & Time of Session:  October 2023 8pm
Location: Batangas
Name: Claire
Link: N/A
Agent: N/A
Nationality & Language: Filipino/Tagalog
Age: She say's 19 could be but probably 20-22
Face:  4/5
Height:  5'2 (estimate)
Skill: Massage and Lingam
Service: Massage and Lingam
Price & Session Length:  60 min, 1000 PHP Outcall Massage and 1500 PHP HJ
Repeat: Yes

First of all, I'm actually not sure if a HJ only ES report is accepted here but just a try.

I have booked a different thera from the same spa before that I actually think has a better FV and BV than her but Claire was just more my type (chinita with a white skin).

After a months worth of job related stress, I contacted their spa to see if she was available which by the way had always been a hassle because they have multiple numbers and doesn't reply fast. I just laid in the bed as they already knew where to go. And when she arrived, I couldn't stop looking at her face because like I said she was just my type. So as she starts her massage, it was quite embarassing whenever she looks at me and sees me staring at her. Like getting caught by my crush feeling and she just giggles and said it's okay to stare because I look away when she catches me staring. Her massage technique is average at best and uses a lot of oil. Mild pressure to relieve the stress from your body. She did say she was still training.

Moving on to the ES part, after around 40 mins she asked me what I wanted and knowing what she meant I just pointed at my LB. She then took off my pants and started gently stroking. I felt like I would explode just because of some gentler stroking, so I just tried to hold on until the last minutes. I didn't want to waste by exploding early. It was a stress reliever indeed. She cleaned me and then said our goodbyes.

Overall, for a massage and HJ experience it was good as there's not a lot of theras here in the province that are good looking. But if you want to go ATW, this is not for you. This was just a little stress reliever. Also I didn't add their contact or pic because it does not seem like they advertise much online. Btw can you guys tell me the avg price for a HJ only?

[ Last edited by  random101 at 7-11-2023 18:43 ]

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Skepti10   8-11-2023 08:08  Karma  +4   
Jjaa123   7-11-2023 18:06  Karma  +3   

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