Curious question in my head reading some of the threads so figured I pose it back here.
When you guys travel around the world (as some of us appear to do so) or partake in the hobby in your home zone, do you seek out women partners of the same or different ethnicities?
Some examples ...
- the North America-Bay area subforum, the vast majority of reviews and providers are Asians (Chinese, Korean, Japanese). Much lower proportion of white and hispanic women who statistically make up the majority of the population in the area.
- the HK sub-forums, the Russians and eastern europeans seem to get quite a fair bit of attention. Followed by maybe the Thais.
After 1 too many drinks, I wonder if this is a evolutionary trait built into all of us. A response to hybrid-vigor or Heterosis where a mixed or hybrid offspring tends to have greater and stronger traits. ( Call it evolutionary genetics perhaps?
Speaking for myself, my preferences are to tend to want to dine local. I think my triggers are watching the hot local ladies in their yoga and workout wear in the gyms, local subways, restaurants, etc.
- In US/Cali, I have a hard time (no punt intended!) visiting the asian orgs as they are clearly imports. Instead I seek out the white or hispanic ladies, as local as possible. The whole area seems to be so diverse anyway.
- In South-East Asia, also the local ladies and love their olive tan complexion and petite forms.
- Europe is really a smorgasbord, depending on if you are in southern, eastern or northern Europe.
- In the ME, no local contact so stuck out. Providers mostly imports. How to find local women? I'm sure some of them are super hot under all those layers!
Last edited by Offshore2 at 16-10-2023 10:19 ]