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Post at 23-8-2023 16:28  Profile P.M. 
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The Spartans

has anyone seen the new spartans feature on the main website? says pre book 30 mins for 300HKD has 6 girls listed today there's been others ..  

has anyone tried to book them and had any decent punts off these ads?

this girls normally 500 but says spartans 300.  I keep meaning to go try her as looks great if pictures correct

has anyone seen this lady?

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HK_Legend   23-8-2023 17:34  Acceptance  +8   See below
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Post at 23-8-2023 17:43  Profile P.M. 
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Yes, I have seen that banner.

Depending on the time, it is not the same ladies.
I have seen some on that banner that I really doubt they would charge only HK$300 for 30mn.
That smells BAIT & SWITCH to me,
and I am not even sure the ladies that appear there are committed to that.

I think they forgot to add:
"Terms and Conditions Apply" subject to ...AVAILABILITY (too bad they are VERY busy)

Not tested but I had noticed her already,
but if I was going to that ...floor that might ruffle some feathers.
I might go anyway  to ring at her door and see her real time I have an appointment in that building
to see how fast and how far the gossiping spreads.
There is DORAMI nearby that looks quite nice too.

[ Last edited by  HK_Legend at 23-8-2023 17:44 ]

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norton2019   1-9-2023 11:08  Acceptance  +1   
frollics1   30-8-2023 14:07  Acceptance  +2   bad news when you are restricted to a lady on that floor.
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Post at 30-8-2023 16:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 HK_Legend's post

frollics1           30-8-2023 14:07          Acceptance          +2           bad news when you are restricted to a lady on that floor.

I think this "ad" is 100% bollocks as I cannot imagine some ladies I know going for HK$300 for 30mn.
That would be a VERY BAD precedent undermining theirexisting client base.

That is not the first time I see on that database website some half-baked shit...

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