Subject: Love hotels or similar? Day use is useless
  This thread has been closed by sexyloser at 18-5-2024 11:39. 
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Post at 31-7-2023 00:21  Profile P.M. 
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Love hotels or similar? Day use is useless

Hi guys
Met a hk local who is actually up for it and pretty fit. I've checked out the Day use site and the prices are actually the same as booking a hotel for the entire night. Plus the prices right now are through the roof for HK hotels, so any recent recommendations for those not too grungy love hotels or similar? Thanks all

Recent Ratings
boscitc   31-7-2023 10:30  Acceptance  +8   Dayuse used to be such a good deal, but now they're really not different, as you mentioned.
dienw   31-7-2023 01:45  Acceptance  +2   Wharney in Wanchai about $600+
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 5-8-2023 10:23  Profile P.M. 
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near Mannings Wanchai  henesse road is a decent clean hotel.    around 240 for 2 hours.   480 for 4 and 500. for 8 hours.

sorry I can't remember the name  has tinted black windows at front or can go down the rear alley for more discreet entry,, has a green half moon on the sign above both doors.

Recent Ratings
CCL   7-8-2023 17:51  Acceptance  +1   Its called Park Excellent Villa.

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