Subject: Pretty PRC Princess on Fuji's Fifth Floor.
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Post at 10-6-2023 18:28  Profile P.M. 
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Pretty PRC Princess on Fuji's Fifth Floor.

Name: Jen Jen or something like that. Who cares?
Age: Late 20s.
Body: 4/5 if you like slim, but kind of dropped to 3.5 when she got her clothes off.
Skill: 3/5
Price: 600 FS
WIR: Nope

Up and down Fuji, made note of a few cuties on the 18th and 12th floors, but ultimately said "fine" to a pretty little thing on the 5th floor, A1. (Fast forward to people who didn't read this leaving one sentence comments in a month asking me which room she's in.) She's a mainlander, thin—no real tits to speak of and looks like some post-baby belly looseness. She has a nice smile though, and it was inviting enough for me to step in. Showered alone, spoke through google translate a bit (she's got zero English). She used quite a few tissues drying me off on places I was not as assiduous in toweling down. Then she pulled out a dom and I figured I was in for a CBJ...nope...just NO blowjob whatsoever. Whatever, I was already hard and she got on top for a bit. Didn't really have...rhythm. So I flipped her and did mish for awhile. She seemed content to "lie flat" but I told her our dear leaders advise us not to—so I did some feet to the ears deep action and some doggy. I don't think she was ready for that particular railing, but she didn't complain. I checked along the way...I think she was used to quick-poppers.

Showered again, walked out into the sweltering heat and blended in with my flopsweat.

Recent Ratings
Goose.Mk2   2-7-2023 14:11  Karma  +6   
HK_Legend   13-6-2023 16:42  Karma  +8   
magictime12   13-6-2023 15:14  Karma  +4   
banter141a   10-6-2023 19:23  Karma  +5   
JackTheBat   10-6-2023 18:50  Karma  +10   But, but...which room is she in?!? LOL

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