Subject: 117/119 Shanghai Jordan anne
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Post at 1-6-2023 21:50  Profile P.M. 
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117/119 Shanghai Jordan anne


kung hung mansion  117/9 Shanghai street

age late 30,s maybe wouldn't tell me

good figure seems to wear little black dress

says she is local Hong Kong lady

fake boobs but not massively noticeable
would I return? I would if the session ended better she is very nice

turn left at top of stairs through curtain last door on the left.

so I had look around after a punt last week in temple street and spotted Anne   she had a little black dress and a  nice figure.  teeth a little off colour but a perfectly aligned.  (not sure why I noticed this !!).  anyway as id already punted and was spent  and was just looking I really fancied her

so today off I trot     now my thing is eating pussy I love it .  and asked her the cost for this as extra     so 500 is basic in this building and I thought she said 100 extra.  she held up 1 finger so I was like yeah most girls want 200 for this..  in I go

into shower and she give lb a good clean. and asks me to use mouthwash to do 69 ..

into room she puts on Dom for  obj then after a few mins sits on my fave . im in heaven she has a really tiny hole and good sized little beef flaps and she tastes amazing. (99% of asian ladies seem to taste far better than any European lady)

anyway we do this for a good time before she climbs on board the LB   she rides me for a few mins before saying she is tired so swap to miss..   honestly even though the Titas are fake and she has slight stretch marks from having kis=ds  watching my big western cock pounding a small asian pussy   wow. I need to start filming and doing only fans.  im not massive but she makes it look like it is.  

anyway it starts to go down hill she complains I too strong and lasting to long  so I ask her to flip to doggy.   ( this is like 7/8 mins of missh).   so I have her and im in the zone again she has a great ass .  and im pounding she starts with the cum quickly   hurry up so put her flat and carry on.    she asks me to walk do hand job to finish .. not my favourite thing.     so I finish off have shower. and get ready to pay.

so as said before I asked how much for the extra.  giving O. and she held up 1 finger .  and there was a communication issue here I speak no local lingo she has fairly reasonable English.     but when paying she says she asked foe 1000... now im a tight ass and  this gets my back up after a bit of appologising for the miss communication finally agree that as I only have 750 ill pay that.. she wanted me to do bank transfer and  then got dressed to escort me to cash machine.

I really did  mis understand but was still annoyed the price doubled.    anyway a mixed punt  as if she hadn't tried to rush id have   in another minute or so. and I thought she was really sweet and  good looking .  then with communication error making me feel like a tool.  really spoilt what could've been a good  punt .

anyway if you can communicate better and are not too big I think this lady could be a gem ..

Recent Ratings
Eastman   7-6-2023 12:50  Acceptance  +1   
monogamous   2-6-2023 08:06  Karma  +4   Feel for you, not understanding the lingo and nearly getting milked 500 for eating some pussy.
JackTheBat   2-6-2023 07:00  Karma  +10   Next time, type numbers on a phone or calculator to avoid confusion.
toey_toad   1-6-2023 22:14  Karma  +6   Reasonable mistake, karma for the unfortunate event

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