Subject: Telephone with a Big Behind
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 23-4-2023 11:41  Profile P.M. 
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Telephone with a Big Behind

Location : King Hing 14/F (go out the lift, turn left side, first left again, room on the right in the corridor)
Date / Time : 20 April
Name: Telephone
Nationality & Language: Thai, English is OK
Age: 20's
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5 (titties little saggy)
Height: around 160
Skill: 3.5/5 Little weak
Price & Session Length: 400
Repeat: maybe if no other big butt options

After reading so many reports of good options in king hing, I had a itch to check it out myself. I was glad to see that Hk is back alive after seeing king Hing busy swarming with punters. There were 2-3 options which caught my eye, one was a Russian with a amazing body with a juicy butt. I walked up to her, she said that she was not available anymore. It was peak time in the evening and I’m probably thinking that she’s either tired or has bagged enough money for the day to get a good nights rest. The Russian was on 11th floor, the ones with doors open opposite to each other. Second one was 4th floor, dimple short and curvy, although I didn’t get a good glance but this one is gonna be magnificent. Another punter just swooped in before I decided to go back to get in, she was Thai. The last one was a Thai girl on 14th floor, quoted 400, asked her for a spin, saw she was hiding a big fat one as I am skeptical on Thai ladies if they were naturals on or not. She lets me have a touch to convince me. I went in and went through theregular process, shower, bbbj. Banged in missionary at first for few mins to get her ready for doggie. The view of her big butt wiggling taking deep strokes was amazing and I went at it for 10-15 mins as she moaned loud and begging me to cum at the last few mins. I removed the dom and sprayed all over her butt.

Do check her out, all big butt lovers.

Recent Ratings
banter141a   30-4-2023 13:14  Acceptance  +5   
Balls123   28-4-2023 03:04  Acceptance  +1   
jojo9090   25-4-2023 20:11  Karma  +3   
ernieb   24-4-2023 22:27  Karma  +5   Thanks
magictime12   24-4-2023 12:55  Karma  +4   
HK_Legend   24-4-2023 03:38  Karma  +8   
tchengaa   23-4-2023 22:29  Karma  +1   Great report! Do u mind sharing her contact ?When will she leave? Thanks
rockerrocker   23-4-2023 20:52  Acceptance  +1   
austin821   23-4-2023 16:42  Karma  +5   
chemical   23-4-2023 11:47  Karma  +3   
Carnal Conqueror
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 279680
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Registered 22-10-2021
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Post at 27-4-2023 02:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 frozenlobes's post

Unfortunately, I never got the chance to ask her contact or about when is she going to leave?.
I have not been in the field in a long time. Apologies

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