Subject: Warning : Fuji Watch Stolen!
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 20-4-2023 14:40  Profile P.M. 
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Warning : Fuji Watch Stolen!

Location:  Fuji 19th or 20th floor, door on the left (while facing the elevator)
Nationality & Language: Chinese, speaks mando/canto
Age: 20s -30s
Face:  3.5/5
Body: 3.5/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  600
Repeat: well she stole from me so no lol

First off, i want to point out this is 90% my fault. I had a couple of drinks and i went into Fuji not realising that i maybe had a bit too much to drink. I went into her room after she said 600 for massage + FS. I showered and laid down on the bed and she gives a decent massage but laying down made me super nauseous and i let her know i needed to use to bathroom. i came out of the bathroom saying ill give her 400 now and just leave because i am not feeling well but she said nooo once u come in and shower its 600 and told me to just lay back down and she'll do most of the work so i dont need to move. She had a very bubbly attitude.

She gives a pretty good BJ but didnt offer me BBBJ when i asked for it. She rides well and after a while i realised i was too tired to fuck so i asked her to just finish me off with a HJ. We showered together at the end and i got out of there as fast as possible because i was going to throw up lol. I gave her a good tip just for having to deal with my shit.

It was pouring rain when i left and still feeling like shit when i realised i was missing my watch like 8 blocks away. I was in no condition to walk back and deal with all that shit (she had already put it on airplane mode or turned it off so even if i went back, she isnt going to admit that she stole it.)

In conclusion, don't get too drunk and go into a walk-up. Theres a reason why they usually turn away ppl who are drunk. I learned my lesson and will no longer go in drunk and will be extra careful checking my things before leaving lol.

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talisker88   26-4-2023 14:31  Karma  +4   I forgot my watch witu JP girl & she called me and came down of hotel to hand it over.
jeffzeke   24-4-2023 11:42  Karma  +10   Just go back and ask about the watch. You forgot it does not equal she stole it.
northpole88   24-4-2023 07:21  Acceptance  +1   
monogamous   23-4-2023 08:41  Karma  +1   Benefit of the doubt maybe if you went back she might of given it back to you?
LittleWing   22-4-2023 16:37  Acceptance  +1   I left a watch behind a few years ago and it took me a while to remember which building. I did get it back.
Mandoggy   22-4-2023 14:57  Acceptance  +1   Wow.. accusing WG with evidence! Prick!
cityguy   21-4-2023 19:05  Karma  +1   No, your watch was NOT stolen. You left it there.
nitesky6888   21-4-2023 15:13  Karma  +6   You should go back to her room and ask her rather than write she stole it. It’s you that forgot it so you lost it.
aceinthehole   21-4-2023 11:55  Karma  +6   Sorry bro. Out of curiosity, what kind of watch was it? Hopefully not a Patek Nautilus!
HKS77   21-4-2023 10:05  Karma  +4   Sorry to hear. As a preference, I never consume alcohol before a punt. Too many things COULD happen.
HK_Legend   21-4-2023 09:44  Karma  +8   
Flybydr   21-4-2023 03:56  Karma  +5   
chemical   20-4-2023 23:38  Karma  +3   
MrButtons   20-4-2023 23:10  Karma  +5   
anata_no_kokoro   20-4-2023 20:54  Karma  +2   sympathy to you
JackTheBat   20-4-2023 17:39  Karma  +10   "don't get too drunk and go into a walk-up"...good advice.
Eastvash86   20-4-2023 16:37  Karma  +2   Sad times
Harrit890   20-4-2023 16:20  Acceptance  +1   Bad luck
hkmann   20-4-2023 15:56  Karma  +5   bad luck
unknownst   20-4-2023 15:02  Karma  +4   
magictime12   20-4-2023 15:00  Karma  +4   Sympathy K's
Goose.Mk2   20-4-2023 14:48  Karma  +5   Unlucky
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Post at 21-4-2023 04:05  Profile Site P.M. 
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Reply #1 slickric423's post

My condolences for the loss

I have left things behind before / my phone, wallet full of cash, belt, etc… and most WG’s kindly return them

Did you go and ask for the watch back the next day or message her to confirm it was there?

Not defending her, I just believe a theft accusation should be warranted

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slickric423   21-4-2023 22:29  Karma  +4   im 100% sure i didnt leave it, its an apple watch (old) but as soon as i left, it was put onto airplane mode/turned off. ...
Amsterdam   21-4-2023 16:00  Acceptance  +1   
booby_lover   21-4-2023 14:06  Karma  +5   I thought the theft story was too harsh when he forgot it and never went back.
Kinky King
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Post at 21-4-2023 14:41  Profile P.M. 
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TBF you can still walk back and ask.
i once left my watch with a wg without knowing, and thought i lost it at home
but when i saw the wg again 5-6 days later she asked if i lost a watch as she remembered.

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slickric423   21-4-2023 22:45  Karma  +4   i am starting to doubt myself after seeing these comments, i will be back tomorrow to ask lol
Amsterdam   21-4-2023 16:00  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 22-4-2023 20:08  Profile P.M. 
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That's why one should stick to known whereabouts while drunk or even tipsy. In these circumstances, it is good to have a regular… I once fell asleep at mine, we did not even have sex. But sometimes it's just a question of luck like when back in the days I once claimed my ID back from a Chinese street walker in Tokyo (I had found out it slipped out of my pocket upon returning home that night).

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slickric423   26-4-2023 01:05  Karma  +4   damn in a different country, thats lucky!
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 26-4-2023 01:05  Profile P.M. 
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Just want to point out, the watch was in a pocket. I didn't "forget" it there, its not like i left it on a table. I went back 2 days later just to give her the benefit of the doubt and try to just ask but she was already long gone.

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booby_lover   26-4-2023 16:44  Acceptance  +5   Clearly cashed in the old apple watch and retired.
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Post at 26-4-2023 12:32  Profile P.M. 
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I've done that more than once and never had an issue getting it back. It sounds like you forgot it and decided not to go back for it and saying the girl stole it

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Kinky King
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Post at 26-4-2023 20:05  Profile P.M. 
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kinda sucks but i feel like there's a big difference between
"i realised i was missing my watch like 8 blocks away" vs "the watch was in a pocket" seems like PRETTY vital info to leave out
and if it was in your pocket then you wouldn't have to doubt yourself ?

not sayin you lying but something to think about when articulating something online. which should also be easier and more thought out since
you have to type it

you live and you learn
oh well

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slickric423   29-4-2023 01:29  Karma  +4   

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