Subject: Double Punt from Shanghai to Temple
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 17-4-2023 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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Double Punt from Shanghai to Temple

Nationality & Language: Chinese, Mandarin
Face: 3/5, 4/5
Body: 3.5/5, 3.5/5
Skill: 2/5, 2/5
Service: 2/5, 2/5
Price & Session Length: $400 + $300

Went to checkout Jordan streetwalker scene

Stopped for a massage girl on Shanghai street, very standard experience but came with a shower, decent looking girl from Hunan, charged 350+50 for fondling

Terrible massage and below average hj, she is actually an office worker back at home, working this gig before going home because she lost some money in macau, so that itself was worth the price of admission

After the hj, walked over to scout Shanghai street just for fun, was walking from MK side to Jordan side and walked by a really cute looking girl near the MJ house. normally i dont stop at that spot but the girl had a very pretty face, albeit a young/small body

Usually, i dont like these petite spinner girls, this one was very small, but her face was pretty and her attitude was kind of bitchy and hot

Only problem is holy crap this walk up was a fucking dump, one of the worst ones ive seen, very very grim

Super quick, hj, cap on, mish, done

Seems like tons of girls coming in and out, worth a walk through if ur in the area

Recent Ratings
monogamous   19-4-2023 07:40  Karma  +3   
HKGPeter   18-4-2023 22:18  Karma  +3   Interesting experience.
HK_Legend   18-4-2023 13:33  Karma  +8   

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