Subject: [USA][CA][SJ] LSC - Elise
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Post at 17-3-2023 10:58  Profile P.M. 
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[USA][CA][SJ] LSC - Elise

Date & Time of Session: March 2023
Location: San Jose
Name: Elise
Nationality & Language: Korean
Age: Early 30s
Face: 8/10
Body: 8/10
Height: 5'3"
Skill: 8/10
Service: 10/10
GFE: Yes
PSE: Yes
Price & Session Length: $280/hr
Repeat: Yes

Got a chance to see Elise on her return tour. She's still as cute as I remember. Nice smile, slim body, b cup boobs, and all the DFK I needed plus more. She appeared to be sex starved when I saw her. She launched over me and did whatever she wanted to me. Felt like one of those jav movies where the victim is in the bus and gets groped. That's how eager she was to start the sex romp. LB couldn't contain himself and did what he could to please her doing all the basic positions multiple times. After each explosion I laid in bed waiting to recover but she wanted to keep going. It's been a long time since I got a body rub. It was nice feeling her breast all over my body. Even some ear licking and neck kissing as I laid facing down. LB was hard in seconds and she smiled with a naughty look ready to go again. I'm not sure how she maintains this level of energy. It's not her first tour so she must have it down. Props to her for taking the initiative. Elise might not be for those who enjoy slow and GFE as she seems to be hyperactive. She was acting cutsie as I was leaving. It might feel awkward to some. I didn't mind since everything is an act and I would give her an Oscar for her performance.

[ Last edited by  Bust-a-nut at 17-3-2023 11:12 ]

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echolowe   1-5-2023 04:17  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
aamplove   20-3-2023 07:44  Acceptance  +1   
Mokuba   19-3-2023 23:32  Karma  +3   Thanks for the FYI as Energizer Elise would pop Jr in a nano-sec
saranghaeyo   18-3-2023 13:48  Karma  +2   
feelicks510   18-3-2023 07:11  Acceptance  +1   
MrNimbus5000   18-3-2023 05:03  Karma  +2   
Peteg   17-3-2023 14:42  Acceptance  +1   
HK_Legend   17-3-2023 14:11  Karma  +3   
Pepero23   17-3-2023 12:39  Acceptance  +1   Good review, i am going to have to try now
sexyloser   17-3-2023 12:12  Karma  +2   
jkfoodftw   17-3-2023 11:42  Karma  +5   
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Post at 17-3-2023 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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I have been debating to try her since I like to repeat the same girl to get better service on the second visit. Looks like I need to add her to my rotation since I enjoy hyeractivness every now and then.

Does she look similar to her photos?

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HK_Legend   17-3-2023 14:11  Acceptance  -1   Please READ Guidelines! 1) NO One-Liner here; 2) Rate Post before Replying; ...
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Post at 17-3-2023 13:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Peteg's post

The last picture on the website with the black stockings appears to be the most accurate. She used the same pictures the last time she was here so I'm gonna guess these were taken 5+ years ago. She looks cute to me. Soft skin so I'm guessing early to mid 30's. I don't remember her being high energy on her last tour so maybe it's something new or it could be because the visit was at an earlier time.

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