Subject: Sexy House or Watersnake
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Post at 17-3-2023 05:29  Profile P.M. 
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Sexy House or Watersnake

Has anyone seen Lilian at sexy house or any WG at the Fremont location for water snake? Looking to pull the trigger but would like some encouragement if anyone has already TOFTT. Anything would be greatly appreciate

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Jade_moon   18-3-2023 02:31  Acceptance  -1   Not the right place to post question. Post at the monger talk instead of the report area for question.
jkfoodftw   17-3-2023 11:36  Acceptance  +1   @sexyloser This guy probably can't view those reports since some repots are RA20, and this guy hasn't posted anything, ...
sexyloser   17-3-2023 06:45  Acceptance  +1   You can use the forum's search feature which is what I usually do for existing reports.
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Post at 17-3-2023 11:36  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #1 Throatgoatking's post

@sexyloser This guy probably can't view those reports since some repots are RA20, and this guy hasn't posted anything, just been commenting.
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Post at 17-3-2023 11:38  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #1 Throatgoatking's post

But to your question, with Watersnake I'd recommend just starting with the hh option, Sexyhouse. Watersnake girls probably slightly younger than Sexyhouse's offerings. But you may have difficulty getting in, if you aren't already in. But if you are already in, feel free to write about some old experiences to boost your karma.

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Bust-a-nut   18-3-2023 07:17  Acceptance  +1   
emm7   17-3-2023 12:15  Acceptance  +3   
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Post at 17-3-2023 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Ahhh gotcha, yea I do have access to both just sometimes people don’t wanna write a whole review and can just tell you in a couple lines whether it’s bad or good. That’s why I made this post, but your right def need to post more so I can get up to RA20. Thanks for the advice

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CoreTierOne   23-3-2023 00:58  Karma  +2   You have enough K for North America section now. Welcome and enjoy
jkfoodftw   18-3-2023 06:45  Acceptance  +1   Seems like you already got the attention of the seasoned members...I suggest you start following yhe guidelines.
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Post at 17-3-2023 19:32  Profile P.M. 
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this is the reports section !  do not start threads asking questions

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jkfoodftw   18-3-2023 06:45  Acceptance  +6   
sexyloser   18-3-2023 03:03  Acceptance  +3   
Jade_moon   18-3-2023 02:30  Acceptance  +5   Agree

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