Subject: [USA][CA][San Mateo]Apple @ GFEI
Kinky King
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Post at 14-3-2023 12:48  Profile P.M. 
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[USA][CA][San Mateo]Apple @ GFEI

Thread Subject: Apple @ GFEI
Date & Time of Session:  afternoon in March
Location: Near Chipotle
Name:  Apple
Agent: GFEI
Nationality & Language: Korean
Age: 24
Face:  7.5
Body: 8
Height:  5-1
Skill: 7
Service: 7
GFE: 8
PSE: 0
Price & Session Length:  280/hr
Repeat: Maybe

So she's back in the pen for a short while and then she'll take some time off if I understod her correctly. Her English is maybe a 5/10 on the one hand she understands simple stuff but not the sexy technical terms lol. The pictures are her, she was even in one of the outfits, however she's gained a few pounds since the pics or got photoshop slimming. Petite body with slight curves, currently all natural maybe small B's, nice shapely ass but not toned. I think she's young and a little green in service but things still felt good to me. So maybe a repeat for the youth and very cute attitude.

Recent Ratings
crypticpixels   16-3-2023 15:34  Acceptance  +1   
Phaychay   14-3-2023 20:51  Karma  +4   
sexyloser   14-3-2023 16:36  Karma  +1   
colmranias   14-3-2023 16:30  Acceptance  +1   no PSE? any insight on verification process at GFEI, anyone? will be visiting the bay soon and will be staying near san ...
jkfoodftw   14-3-2023 14:32  Karma  +6   
anabikumi   14-3-2023 13:17  Karma  +4   

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